Sunday, 5 October 2008

Say NOOO to DONUT... Not good for HEALTH!!!

Aloha... Finally settled the assignment... waiting to submit tomorrow...

Today is the last day of my holiday... Sigh... time to get back to college again... No more laziness... slumbering... hanging out day and night... all have to get back to normal.. Anyway, my holiday doesn't seems so good also... Basically it's almost occupied by my assignment other than hanging out...

Whatever... oh yaa... today I got free doughnut again...



What I want to say is... The kiwi, alien and the peanut butter is definitely out of my choice of selection... weird taste... But I think have to wait about 6 months before I will step in to Big Apple again... Really scare of it... scare of the smell... Left 2 more now... I think I should keep it for ah bee for his breakie tmr... Anyway, 99% he will said eewww... hehe... He feel disgusting as well... (What I guess is true!!!) muahahahahaaaa.....


KaReN said...

i hate sweet things...
i hate donut...

tengchin said...

y?? what happen??
i like it so much leh...
but need to eat fresh and eat few..
if eat too much will geli d..

Mabel said...

haha... ya right... eat too much d... but very hard to get not fresh donut in Big Apple ler... hehe