Tuesday, 3 March 2009

I HeArT PaPeRcRaFt

Recently addicted with papercraft again... Accidentally browse through some site, and downloaded a lot of paper crafts... Can't resist to finish it as soon as possible... want to see how the outcome looks like...

Actually this monkey got 4 colours, but only printed out 2... coz we can't estimate how big is the size... Anyway, the outcome looks good...

The ice-cream... Licka & Licko...


The 2 little green and red birdy... same as the monkey, there are 4 colours...

Hahaha... ain't it looks nice... Anyone wants to buy it? Hahaha...


Fu Yuan said...

those are for kids under the age of 3!!! :D

ŧ(˘,˘)ŧ said...

i wan.....
wahaha....dun care d stupid bubble...
coz he dunno how to 欣赏...~!!!

Mabel said...

yaloooo.. coz he donno how to do... haha... which one you want? Mum said she wants also... ask me to do one for her...

Fu Yuan said...

ok lo, then i wan all can ar?

Mabel said...

Hahaha... I sell you then you want??? Buy 3 free 1...